Neurogenix pte ltd
Empowering Minds, Transforming Life.
About Neurogenix
Neurogenix was started by directors Jonathan Wong and Joash Li with a focused goal: to help those suffering from mental issues and to aid others in maintaining or improving their mental wellness. Working with professional neurologist Dr. Joseph Guan, who has over 20 years of medical experience, they aim to achieve these goals together.
Our Key Team Members:
Through our Doctor, Neurofeedback has achieved many great accomplishments in the medical world. Over the past 20 years, more than 60 cases of mental wellness problems, such as ADHD and autism, have been cured by Dr. Joseph Guan.
Contact us
263 Serangoon Central Dr, #02-59 Singapore 550263
+65 82081387 / +65 81669969